Is My Ex Still In Love With Me?

It is much easier to get your ex back if they still have some amount of feelings for you. If you are trying to rekindle a lost love, the first thing you need to determine is whether they may be just as much as in love with you as you are with them. This may seem difficult to determine since you aren’t in their head or privy to their private thoughts anymore, but there are some unspoken signs that may be telling you how they feel. You just have to learn what to look for and then pay close attention.

Reading the Lean

If you can get in a situation where you can sit next to your ex for even a brief period of time you may be able to determine whether they are still in love with you or are disgusted by your presence. Sit next to them and start a conversation, then pay attention to the lean of their body as they talk to you.

If they are leaning toward you or scooting closer, then chances are they still have some feelings for you, even if the words coming out of their mouth are filled with spite and venom.

If they are leaning away or if they turn their body in the opposite direction of you, then chances are high they aren’t willing to let you in again. This is not a definite sign that they aren’t in love with you still, but it is a good sign that they are not open to continuing the relationship just yet or perhaps feel uncomfortable being near you.

Hand Gestures

If you can get into a standing conversation with them, watch how they move their h ands. If they place a hand on your shoulder or anywhere else on your body or reach their arms out toward you while talking, chances are good that they may still have some feelings for you.

If they are crossing their arms over their chest or around their waist and staying far from you, then they are still guarded toward you and may not be feeling as warm toward you.

The Backward Glance

If you can’t speak to your ex directly, all is not lost. Do some asking around and figure out when they will be at a social function or event that you could attend as well. They don’t need to know you are coming and in fact it may be better if you are a bit of a surprise.

Watch their facial expression and body language when they first spot you across the room and then casually walk by them. If you make eye contact with them smile and give a short nod but keep walking past. Then look over your shoulder or have a friend watch from afar to see if they turn to glance back at you in passing. If they look over the shoulder to watch you or seem to have an eye on you throughout the event, then chances are there are some lingering feelings on their part. If you are constantly making eye contact and exchanging smiles, then that’s a very good sign they are missing you.

It’s in the Eyes

You can often read someone’s emotions by watching their eyes when they are around you. Cold and distant eyes are not as promising as tearful eyes or warm, thoughtful glances.

To give yourself the best chance of winning them back quickly, click here first to follow a proven path towards getting back for good.