Is It Too Late To Get My Ex Back?

Do you feel like you will never win your ex back? Does it seem like the break up was so horrible that you can’t even figure out where to start repairing things? Well first of all you have to logically assess the situation and figure out if it’s as horrible as you think it is. Sometimes in the heat of the moment, we fail to be rational, and the situation seems worse than it actually is. Try to ask a friend who is unbiased on the topic, and explain the situation to them. A lot of times after a break up, we sit around discussing the situation with our friends, and they can help us to blow the situation out of proportion. When you discuss the break up with your friends, instead of listening to all of their theories and overreacting, explain to them that you want to keep a level head and be rational.

Is it too late to apologize? Sometimes the best way to diffuse an argument is to apologize. In many cases, people apologize just so they can get their way; however, it is very easy to tell when someone is offering an insincere apology. Before you apologize, you have to ask yourself if you are truly sorry and if you are ready to apologize. If your answer to either of those questions is no, then you are not ready to apologize to your ex. It is best to wait until you feel ready, and then your ex will be able to tell that you really mean it.

Stay true to yourself. One of the worst things you can do after a breakup is to change your whole personality just to please your ex. Of course some change is a good thing, and you should constantly be improving yourself. However, you like the color orange, country music and thunderstorms, you shouldn’t change just to get your ex back. Believe it or not, your ex will respect you more if you stay true to yourself than if you changed everything just to be with them.

Talk it out. Many times people break up and stay apart because of a lack of communication. One of the best things you can do is tell your ex how you feel about the breakup and try and talk through the pain. Keep in mind that now is not the time to be whiny and pushy. Don’t try to manipulate your ex into getting back with you. The point is that you want your ex to understand that you are being an adult and effectively expressing your feelings. As you are talking, keep a level head, and try to refrain from yelling and throwing a fit. If you’ve never really had a mature conversation with your ex after an argument, this will show them that you are capable of communicating like an adult.

Take it one step at a time. Sometimes it can take a while for the hurt to heal, and because of that you can’t expect things to be resolved overnight. Don’t try to force your ex to get back together with you, because when people feel pressured, they usually do the opposite of what you want them to do. Just try to be patient, understanding and friendly. The combination of those three things will often help turn around even the worst break ups.

To give yourself the best chance of winning them back quickly, click here first to follow a proven path towards getting back for good.